Featured in: Mariinsky II (New) Theatre March 2025 | Ballet in St.Petersburg in March 2025 | Ballet in Mariinsky II (New) Theatre in March 2025
World premiere: 28 December 1962, Maly Opera Theatre, Leningrad
Premiere at the Mariinsky Theatre: 30 May 2001
Episode 1. A workers’ district. The street is ruled by the young Hooligan.
The Young Lady makes a tremendous impression on him.
Episode 2. At school. The Hooligan recognises the new pupil as the Young Lady.
She stops the «unbridled» Hooligan.
Episode 3. A park. The Hooligan wishes to tell the Young Lady of his love.
She runs away.
Episode 4. The Hooligan is in a restaurant.
The Young Lady appears to him as a vision. He runs to her.
The Leader tries to restrain him.
Episode 5. The Hooligan at the Young Lady’s house.
Episode 6. A park. Drunken youths are scaring the people walking there.
The Hooligan defends the Young Lady and her friends.
The Hooligan’s former friends take their revenge.
Fatally wounded, he heads for the Young Lady’s house.
Episode 7. The street. The Hooligan dies in the Young Lady’s arms.